Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm a slacker

Sorry for not writing sooner, but I have had a bad week.

I've been irritable, moody and feeling bad about myself.

Everyday has been a fat day.  I hate all of my clothes. I hate the fact that I have drill this weekend which means working two weeks in a row without a single day off. And I haven't been particulary happy with my authors this week either.

I even started going back to the gym this week, and not even that has helped with my piss-poor attitude.

The other night I got home from the gym and immediately began cooking dinner. (Which I really didn't want to do, nor did I have the energy to do) I made smoked sausage, scalloped potatos and green beans.  I personally thought it was delicious, but when my husband took his first bite he said, "Well, it's not horrible by any means.". 

What?  I wish you could have seen how huge my eyes were at this point.

So, we sat down to eat dinner and I was silent most of the time.  Stewing over his mean comment (which he was oblivious to)... 

Then when we were getting up to take our dishes to the sink, he blurts out "That was okay, but I don't want to have it on a regular basis or anything." that's basically how my whole week has gone.  I've been stuck in our ice-rink of a driveway on multiple occasions, lost my badge to get into our building at work, and have dealt with the fact that the heater is going out in my car.

But then yesterday I got an email from an author that really made me smile:

Dear Valerie,

Holy Holy you are AWESOME!!! You are like my own personal Christmas morning back from when I was a child and got my first mini trampoline under the Christmas tree! You have made my day super special and I thank you!

Sometimes it's just the small things that can turn your whole world around.

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