Friday, February 4, 2011

A day in the life of...

I feel old.  Seriously, my life revolves around work, cooking and cleaning, and sleep.  I mean, I don't want to live like I'm 23 again, but I think I need just a little more excitement.  Or maybe just some sunshine...

Here is what my day was like yesterday:

7:00am  -  Went to work
6:00pm  -  Left work
6:15pm  -  Stopped by the grocery store to pick up some things for our pitch-in at work tomorrow
7:00pm  -  Finally made it home
7:05pm  -  Dishes (Because we were at the IU game the night before so I didn’t get to them.  And I don't    have a dishwasher L)
7:20pm  -  Made the food for the work pitch-in
7:45pm  -  Made dinner
8:15pm  -  Sat down and ate dinner with my husband
8:30pm  - Cleaned up the kitchen
8:40pm  -  Finally got to sit down on the couch.  We played Golf on the PS3 and of course I lost, but I just had to play one more game….
10:30pm- Folded the laundry
10:45pm- Collapsed into bed.

I know that you're probably super jealous of my day yesterday.  I don't blame you...It was actually a pretty great day. Maybe excitement isn't always a good thing...

Isn't it funny how you always want what you don't have?  When I was 23, I yearned for stability. Now that I'm a lot older, I yearn for excitement and spontaneity.

I think maybe I know what I need....

Girls Night!  Good wine, great friends, and boy talk.  The perfect cure for my winter blues.

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