Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why am I doing this?

So, I'm not completely sure why I have decided to share my "Oh-so-interesting married life" with the rest of the world.  All I can think is..."All the cool kids are doing it."

It seems that I have a ridiculously long list of friends who have taken up blogging, and I thought I would give it the good ole' anything-to-keep-me-from-doing-dishes try.

I'm still not exactly sure how much information I am going to share on this blog. I would love to talk about the ups and downs of being a newlywed, and how hard it can be to find your own identity in the beginning steps of marriage, or how crazy awesome it is to spend every single day with your best friend.  Unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to go into that much detail, but if anyone has some awesome advice they'd like to share with me, please feel free. :)

I would also love to put up pictures of all the crafts I do in my spare time, or pictures of the amazing recipes that I'm brave enough to try. But... unfortunately that probably won't happen either. Mainly because I don't do crafts in my spare time, or try awesome new recipes.  And also because it takes me 6 months just to upload pictures onto my facebook page. 

I'm seriously hoping this blog will make me try harder.  Maybe it will turn me into the domestic goddess that I've yearned so long to be. Maybe I will be so excited about this blog, that it will make me want to make crafts and try recipes.  Or maybe it will keep me from doing anything that relates to being domestic because I will be spending all of my time on this darn blog.

 We shall see my friends...

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